Kamis, 22 Agustus 2019

Task 2 (M6 LA4)

Listen again to the conversations in Task 1. List out expressions of inviting people. The expression in dialogue 1 has been done for you as an example.
·         It’s going to be a pool party at Jay’s apartment. You must come by seven.
·         Samantha and I would like to have you for dinner if you’re free
·         Great! in that case please come to our house by 7.30
·         I thought about inviting you.
·         Can you come over for a small party?
·         Would you please come to our place next Tuesday?
·         I just wanted to invite you to my wedding anniversary
·         Can you join us?
·         Of course, we want you both there with us

Task 1 (M6 LA4)

Below are examples of how people invite someone for some events. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

Video 1

Video 2

Task 8 (M6 LA3)

In this activity, we will learn how copy writers make money by writing some procedural texts and tips fortheirreaders in aweb. Read the text loudly and meaningfully with correct pronunciation.

Choose one text from Task 4. Rehearse yourself to read the text meaningfully with accurate pronunciation.

Text 4

ByAliceDrinkworth;Updated July05, 2017

Proper careofyour office equipment will keepyour business runningsmoothly. Agood cleaningeveryfew months willkeep keyboard keysfrom stickingandequipment from overheating. Regular maintenancemayreducedowntimeand maintenancecalls foryour computers, printers andfaxmachines.


Keep computers in adryenvironment, awayfromsources ofexcessiveheator moisture. Do not placeacomputernext to aheatingsourceor drinkyour coffeewhile at the computer.

Wipe screen and keyboard regularlywith a static-free cloth andcleaner designedforuse on computers.

Use compressed air to clean debris from betweenthe keyson the keyboard. Turn the keyboard over and shakeloose dirt. Use compressed air again to get leftover debris from between the keys.

Keep ventilation holes on the computer clear ofblockages from dust or other items on the desk to prevent overheating.Use compressed air to blow dust and debris from all vents.

Plugallcomputers into surgeprotectors.

Open removable parts ofthe printer and wipethe insides with a dry, cleancloth. Check the manufacturerspecifications on paper weight and size. Verifythat thepaper
youareusingdoes not exceed therecommended weight and size. Paper weight indicates the thickness of the paperand can befound on themanufacturer's packaging.

Do not overfill thepapertray.

Remove alljammed paper completely.

Changeinkas needed. Open the top ofthe printerand remove theinkcartridge. Specifications shouldbeprinted on the side to helpyou order another cartridgefrom your local officeretail storeor supplier.Ifyou cannot find theink cartridge, refer to manufacturerguidelines in the printers manual.

Fax Machines

Keep afaxmachine in adryroom. Humiditycancausepaper to stick together.

Placefaxmachines at least sixinches from walls for adequateventilation around the equipment.

Fan paper withyour hand beforeinsertingitin thefaxmachine. This prevents the machine from takingtoomuch paperand jamming in operation.

Changetoner as needed.Locate access on thefront of thefaxmachine andremove toner. Set asideon apieceof newspaper or throw it in the trash immediately, as old toner cartridgescan leak. Placethe new tonercartridgein theslot. Wipe up anyspillage.

Neverforce an officemachine to open. When doingmaintenancecleaning,onlyaccess parts ofthe machinethatopen easily

Task 7 (M6 LA3)

Write transcripts from videos in and record yourself performing to use the office equipment like in the examples. Sent your report to your instructor! 
1.       Using the Photocopier

Hello my name is Anna today I'm going to how to use the photocopier. First of all you need card which you  and now the machine it tells you how much money's left on your card for future use. Now you've got your document your places inside the photocopier. You just ensure that the paper is actually fitting in in the right sizing inside the photocopier. You close the lid and you make sure the power is on before you start. Get it warmed up and you place in how many items you require all in your press down. You remove your document from inside the photocopier and go over to the card machine push the escape button and your card comes out. You can use it when you need to fold a copy again. Thank you.

2. Burning Files to CD or DVD
Most computers come with either a CD drive or a DVD drive. You may not realize that most computers can also copy files or burn files to CD or DVD. If your drive is labeled as a DVD RW multi recorder or a CD RW drive, you can use it to burn a CD or a DVD. Windows makes it easy to burn a CD or a DVD. Suppose I want to burn all of these files to disk.

Well, the first thing I want to do is make sure that I've got a writable CD or a DVD in my drive. After I do that, I just simply select all of the files I want to burn to the disk. I can use my mouse to draw a rectangle around all the files like this, or I can hold down the control key on my keyboard as I select multiple files that I want to burn. There are many other ways to select files and windows all of which I cover in my book be the geek. Once you've selected the files that you want to burn to disk, click the burn button shown here if you're using Windows Vista or Windows 7. If you're using Windows XP, you'll need to right-click on the files you've selected, point to send to and then choose your CD or DVD Drive from the menu. I'm going to go ahead and click the burn button and notice when I do I get this dialog this is actually the contents of the DVD Drive that's on my computer, and notice that these files that are ready to be written to the disc have a little downward facing arrow that means that those files are ready to be written to the disc but they're not currently on the disc. If I want to go ahead and complete the operation and burn those to my disk I just click the burn to disk button, and when I do Windows will ask me for a disk title this disk title is used to identify the disk by Windows whenever it displays the contents of the disk. You can pretty much enter anything that you want here. The recording speed is dictated not only by the drive that's on your computer, but also by the type of media that you have in the disk. So I'm going to go ahead and click Next now and when I do windows will go ahead and prepare the files and burn those to the drive.

Once the files have been successfully written to the disk, Windows ejects the disk automatically and now I'm ready to share that disk with someone else or store it away someplace so that I can access the files later. By the way you can also copy a CD or a DVD by first copying the files on the existing disk to your hard drive and then burning those files from your hard drive to the other disk keep in mind however that this won't work for copy protected discs such as movies. Copying files to a CD or a DVD is a convenient way to move large files or a large number of files between computers or to share a large number of files with friends or family. However CDs and DVDs should not be considered a good choice for backing up files because they're easily damaged. Found out more information in my book be the geek the computer guide for the rest of us, and find more geek casts at wwbd geek guy comm thanks for watching.

3.    How to scan a document
Hi, this is Andy peak with millenia medical billing. Today I'm going to show you how to scan and save documents. One thing that's very important when scanning want to make sure your page orientation is correct, so what we have here is a portrait view of a page. Portrait meaning the print is going from top to bottom. This would be landscape view everything's going top to bottom in a wider format. Everything important review have a line to the top; everything in landscape view have a line to the left, as it is the orientation when you put it in your scan. Get your documents properly setup; make sure there's non tears, no staples, so that everything to go cleanly through the scanner. You want to be very mindful of 1/2 pages. Something like this can easily get missed in the scanning. we're going to make sure that everything is properly shuffled the line, so it's going to go through the scanner smoothly. Once you have your papers in the scanner, you want to make sure they're square that any tabs you might have on the scanner for alignment or being properly used so that everything goes through squarely. Once the pages are ready to be scanned and the scanner is on and connected to your computer, you want to open up your scanning software typically when that's opened. You want to go through make sure you're scanning settings are correct and then begin your scan. As you can see once everything's set up scanning documents is quite simple. After everything's scanned, you want to make sure you say the scan documents in the proper location, and give them the proper name. In our office we have a filing system, where somebody does a scan slip that gives the location name and all the information needed for the file. There you have it that file has been scanned and saved and it's now ready for process you.


In Learning Activity 3, you will learn procedural texts. Procedure text is a text which describes how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps. It explains how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps. Procedures may be spoken, written or visual. These may involve physical activity, mental thought or emotional behaviour. There are different types of procedure texts serving different purposes. Procedures can instruct how to do a particular activity or help people  teaching  appropriate behaviour. Procedure normally takes the form of directions or instructions.
In this learning activity, you learn how to give instructions effectively through procedure texts. To do so, firstly, you will be exposed to some examples of procedure texts and analize the parts of each of the procedure text. You will learn how different structures in procedure texts are present to meet their social purposes. Special discussion on infinitive complement will help you write tips or warning that might be usefull when you write procedure texts
Learning outcomes of Learning Activity 3 are set out below.
Learning Outcomes
In this activity you will be learning the following competencies:
To uphold and apply religous values, moral values, ethical values, personal and social values (honesty, discipline, accountability, independence), care and respect for differences and diversity, tolerance, peace, collaboration, and nationalism
To analyse the social functions, text structures, and  lexicogrammatical features of procedure texts in regard to the contexts of situation
1.       To read  procedure  texts  aloud, meaingfully, clearly, and accurately.
2.       To compare the social functions of procedure texts.
3.       To compare the text structure of procedure texts.
4.       To compare the lexicogrammatical features of procedure texts.
Unit Learning Outcomes
1.       To read a number of procedure texts meaningfully and fluently, with accurate pronunciation, word stress, and intonation.
2.       To compare the social functions of a number of procedure   texts  regarding the issues, the target readers, the points of interests or importance.
3.       To compare the structure of each of the procedure texts, including the goal, (material), steps, tips or warning.
4.       To compare the lexicogrammatical features of procedure texts by determining the choice of words and expressions, the use of direct and indirect sentences, the tenses, the fonts, the punctuation marks, etc.
Learning Materials
Learning materials in this activity will be divided into two main sections; Key Features of The Text and Meaning Making Task. Study them carefully and do each of the tasks that follows.
Key Features of Procedure Texts
Procedure Texts
Social Function     
To describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps.
Generic Structure     
·         Goal
·         Materials (not required for all procedural texts)
·         Steps 1 – n (i.e. goal followed by a series of steps oriented to achieve the goal) 
Significant Lexico-grammatical Features     
·         Focus on generalized human agents
·         Use of simple present tense, often imperative
·         Use mainly of temporal conjunctions (or numbering to indicate sequence)
·         Use mainly of material processes
Meaning Making Tasks
This section is divided into two parts. The first part, Getting to Know Procedure Texts, includes a number of Tasks in which you will be guided to analyse (1) the social functions, (2) the text structures, and (3) the lexicogrammatical features of procedure texts from three different contexts of situation. The second part, Producing Procedural Texts. In this part you will write a procedure text and record yourself performing the procedural instruction according to social functions, text structures, and lexicogrammatical features.