Kamis, 22 Agustus 2019

Task 8 (M6 LA3)

In this activity, we will learn how copy writers make money by writing some procedural texts and tips fortheirreaders in aweb. Read the text loudly and meaningfully with correct pronunciation.

Choose one text from Task 4. Rehearse yourself to read the text meaningfully with accurate pronunciation.

Text 4

ByAliceDrinkworth;Updated July05, 2017

Proper careofyour office equipment will keepyour business runningsmoothly. Agood cleaningeveryfew months willkeep keyboard keysfrom stickingandequipment from overheating. Regular maintenancemayreducedowntimeand maintenancecalls foryour computers, printers andfaxmachines.


Keep computers in adryenvironment, awayfromsources ofexcessiveheator moisture. Do not placeacomputernext to aheatingsourceor drinkyour coffeewhile at the computer.

Wipe screen and keyboard regularlywith a static-free cloth andcleaner designedforuse on computers.

Use compressed air to clean debris from betweenthe keyson the keyboard. Turn the keyboard over and shakeloose dirt. Use compressed air again to get leftover debris from between the keys.

Keep ventilation holes on the computer clear ofblockages from dust or other items on the desk to prevent overheating.Use compressed air to blow dust and debris from all vents.

Plugallcomputers into surgeprotectors.

Open removable parts ofthe printer and wipethe insides with a dry, cleancloth. Check the manufacturerspecifications on paper weight and size. Verifythat thepaper
youareusingdoes not exceed therecommended weight and size. Paper weight indicates the thickness of the paperand can befound on themanufacturer's packaging.

Do not overfill thepapertray.

Remove alljammed paper completely.

Changeinkas needed. Open the top ofthe printerand remove theinkcartridge. Specifications shouldbeprinted on the side to helpyou order another cartridgefrom your local officeretail storeor supplier.Ifyou cannot find theink cartridge, refer to manufacturerguidelines in the printers manual.

Fax Machines

Keep afaxmachine in adryroom. Humiditycancausepaper to stick together.

Placefaxmachines at least sixinches from walls for adequateventilation around the equipment.

Fan paper withyour hand beforeinsertingitin thefaxmachine. This prevents the machine from takingtoomuch paperand jamming in operation.

Changetoner as needed.Locate access on thefront of thefaxmachine andremove toner. Set asideon apieceof newspaper or throw it in the trash immediately, as old toner cartridgescan leak. Placethe new tonercartridgein theslot. Wipe up anyspillage.

Neverforce an officemachine to open. When doingmaintenancecleaning,onlyaccess parts ofthe machinethatopen easily

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