Sabtu, 13 Juli 2019

Task 1 (M5 LA4 )

Task 1: Understand the nature of Infographics
In Learning Activity 4, you will explore one form of text types commonly found in academic interactions; that is the Infographics. In this learning activity, the term Infographics is used to the commonly referred to as informative posters. This shift in terminology can be observed as the impact of the rapid development in ICT.
How much do you know about Infographics? Why is it necessary for you to be knowledgeable and skillful in working with Infographics?
A       Coming to terms with Infographics. Study these three samples of Infographics and complete the table that follows. Click on the image to get larger view.


Complete this table based on your observation of the three infographics above.
Where do you think this infographic can be found?
School’s Bulletin board or website for students
School’s Bulletin board or school website for students ____________
School’s Bulletin board or school website for students ____________
What is the title of the text?
M Study Tips ____________
10 Ways To Study Smart
8 Top Tips to Boost your learning ____________
What could be the author’s purpose for creating it?
Offer tips for sudents to study ____________
Offer 10 ways how to learn better ____________
Offer advice on best learning strategies
Who is probably the audience?
The Students of Michigan University ____________
All students
All students ____________
Can you immediately get the author’s message? Why?
Yes, I can. I got the author’s point in the title. The study tips are given for students especially at Michigan University. The author put “M” Study Tips for the title Yes, I can. I got the author’s point in the title. The study tips are given for students especially at Michigan University. The author put “M” Study Tips for the title
Not really. Tips #1, #7 and #10 need to be read carefully. The Icon used to represent them are not really matched with the message
Yes, I can. The way the author chooses the title and presents the ideas of 8 Top Tips to Boost Your Learning  is interesting. It makes the readers understand it easily.____________
Can you find any clue about the source of each of the ‘tips’?
Yes, I can. It is from
When you finish, check your answers with the key answer.

B        Read the advice statements below. Which infographics suggests each of them. Put a check mark (ü) in the right column to indicate your responses.

1         Study in a distraction-free place.
2         Plan your study well.
3         Make notes of what you study.
4         Discuss your study with others to get better understanding of it.
5         Refresh your memory regularly by doing quizzes or exercises.
6         Get to know about how you learn.
7         Get sufficient sleep time.
8         Eat only healthy food.
9         Take regular exercise to keep you fit.
10     Keep yourself motivated to learn.
When you finish, check your answers with the key answer.

C        Based on your experience in doing the learning activities for section A and B, which of the following statements is a characteristic of a good infographics? Put a check mark (ü) in the right column to indicate your responses.

1         An Informative Posters or infogrpahic is a visual presentation of Information.
2         It combines text and graphics.
3         It is a simple, yet, well structured and well organized piece of text in itself.
4         It is visually appealing to readers.
5         It has a title, presented in lettering that can be read from a distance.
6         It has sections that is labelled with clear headings.
7         It contains text and graphics that are neatly arranged.
8         It is supported by the use of relevant graphics that help illustrate the intended message.
9         It is supported by grammatically acceptable written text.
10     It has details of the sources used to obtain the information and graphics on its lower corner.
When you finish, check your answers with the key answer.

¾  Tips for Creating Informative Posters[4]
¾  What is Infographics?[5]
¾  Murdoch (2014). Poster Power - Meaning and Message[6]
¾  Posters Project[7]
¾  Online safety poster[8]

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